
LMH Complaint 8b1

In this file note, Phil indirectly admits to lying. He admits that he did say things that we told you he said, but he then denied saying.

Phil cant keep his own lies straight, he constantly contradicts himself.

Phil insisted, and probably still would if you asked him about it today, that when he mentioned the drug problems at the viewing, he told us that it was in the general area.

We have always told the truth about what Phil actually told us, which is that he said it was an issue within the communal yard that my block of flats shares with one other block.

In this file note, Phil admits that he told us that, “there were issues within the block, and that she [meaning me] would see drug taking.

Is Phil unable to remember all the lies he tells because he tells that many of them?

Or, does he just say whatever will serve him better in the moment?

This is not even to mention that if Phil knows there are drug problems within whatever he means by “the block” he should be reporting it to the police, as well as other staff within LMH/Torus.
Is he?
Has he?

(As previously stated, I should not have been offered a flat where there is either drug or alcohol abuse problems, for many reasons, including-
-My borderline personality disorder makes me more likely to suffer with drug and/or alcohol abuse or dependency issues.
Just because I have never been a drug addict or alcoholic doesn’t mean it wouldn’t happen. You might believe (because your ignorant or ablest) that if I did develop those issues while living in a place where I actually see it happening, therefore am likely to come into contact with both the people selling and taking drugs by simply opening my blinds, or taking my rubbish to the bin, that is my own fault, but it would not be, it would be your fault. Your ignorance about mental illness and mental disability, plus your policies to not recognise mental illnesses and disabilities as real illnesses and disabilities therefore not provide suitable accommodation, as you do for the physically ill and disabled, would be to blame.

Do the government encourage, or just enable this?

Because people like me are not only being kept disabled by illness to the point were we can’t work, but to the point where our illnesses are being exacerbated by in appropriate housing for our disabilities.

This means that not only are we stuck in your properties, we are also stuck on government sick or disability benefits, and it is the government that then pay our rent. So therefore you are not only finding a way to manipulate the situation in order to get guaranteed rent off the government for people you are abusing, your abuse means the government then have to give me money to live because I am too sick to work because you are keeping me sick by forcing me to live in unsuitable housing.

The only person benefiting from both your abuse of me and the abuse of government policies and money is you. You are benefiting from abuse of the mentally disabled while everybody else suffers in some way or another because of it, even if that is just by paying more tax that is having to be spent on my rent when I want to be making money to pay my own rent.

And before you make the ridiculous defence that I am only one person, if this is happening to me, a person who has up until a few years ago been high functioning to the point I was diagnosed in my thirties, it is happening to other people who are vulnerable in ways that I am not. I would bet it is happening to at least tens of thousands of people, and therefore that’s tens of thousands of people who the government are not only using tax payers money to support, but are paying rent for them to be abused by you.

You are benefiting from getting rent of the government for me, and if I die because this flat isn’t disability appropriate for me, you’ll just move in another vulnerable and probably mentally disabled person in order to profit off them, through and by subjecting them to the same abuse I have already, and will go on, to discus, because the truth is that nobody capable of working would live in this flat, and if they were capable of working when they moved in, they wouldn’t be for long. Therefore the only way you are ever going to make money off this flat is by abusing the vulnerable and disabled, and government policies and money that allow you guaranteed rent for poor or unsuitable housing conditions be it for the unwell or the disabled.

I want to get better.
I want to be able to work again.
Therefore you are abusing and discriminating against me because I am disabled, by keeping me sick with my disability through unsuitable living conditions.

-I am vulnerable and could be easily exploited or victimised in many ways either by the people selling or taking the drugs.

-One of the ways in which I could be exploited or victimised is into using drugs. If this happened there could be a lot of problems including as I said above, addiction. However, non epileptic seizures can be triggered by drug use, therefore if I was some how bullied or forced into taking drugs then that could cause a seizure which could result in an accident that could be fatal to me.

-I now have easier access to drugs that I could purposely overdose on.

– I have easier access to drugs I could accidently overdose on.

I have a history of misusing prescribed drugs by taking too many at once, or mixing them with other prescribed or over the counter medication, in desperate efforts to sleep when very distressed or stressed out. I have done this more recently, so in between 2016-2018 with sleeping tablets, mainly zopiclone, and as far back as 2008ish using benzodiazepine’s, mainly lorazepam, depending on when my first suicide attempt was, as my first suicide attempt happened when I took several boxes of lorazepam that had been prescribed for me in one go, then not just happy with taking like seven boxes of lorazepam in what became an over dose attempt, also tried to drown myself in the bath. I don’t remember why I took all the tablets in the first place, but my guess is that it started out as not being able to sleep and taking them to sleep and turned into a suicide attempt at some point.

And I would be more likely to misuse drugs more dangerously if I had them because this flat has given me sleeping problems far worse than what I have ever been through, and I am no longer allowed sleeping tablets or benzis because I need a higher amount for them to work, and when mixed with anti psychotics which I am on they can stop your muscles, including those that have something to with your lungs, from working and you can basically suffocate to death.

The fact is that while I am in this flat, medication misuse is always going to be a potential threat to me because of the issues I have with sleeping here, and I am prescribed a lot of medication for my mental health as well as other issues.)

However, Phil also lies int this same sentence, because he claims that he told us there were issues with alcohol, fly tipping, and ASB at the viewing and he did not.

The fact is that if Phil had mentioned ASB to us at the viewing, and particularly noise ASB, I would have had no choice but to turn this flat down for my own safety, which means that I would have then been kicked off property pool and become homeless at this point because you offered me a property that wasn’t disability suitable. This is because I already knew at the time of the viewing that noise triggers and exacerbates both my borderline personality disorder, and its episodes, as well as my seizures, and its symptoms.

The way Phil talks about these ASB problems, suggest both he and LMH as a company were aware of the problems when you offered me this flat.

And before you offered me this flat I had made every body I had met or spoken to in regards to rehousing aware of my diagnosis, symptoms, and the fact that I had only just been discharged from hospital after a suicide attempt.

Therefore, you offered me this flat knowing it was unsuitable to the point where it would at least cause me great suffering and distress, and at worst be fatal.

Did Phil get my file off housing options?

Mike McDonald said that he should have but didn’t.

If he didn’t, he should have which means you are at fault.

If he did, but you still chose to offer me this flat, then you  are still at fault, because you knew what my illnesses were and how they affect me, as well as what the problems at this flat were and that the two weren’t compatible, and yet you offered me this flat, which you shouldn’t have done anyway, but you offered me it knowing that I couldn’t refuse it as I only had one offer.

This file note admits that you, as a company, knew that there were ABS problems, and in particular noise ASB problems at this property when you offered it to me.

Therefore, when I die in this flat, from a bpd episode, or symptom- meaning suicide or accident, or a seizure or seizure symptom- meaning an accident during a seizure, you are to blame.

The longer I am at this property, the more likely that becomes, and the more at fault you are for not doing anything to move me to something more suitable when you had the opportunity.

This file note means that my death in this flat will be indisputably your fault, especially when combined with all the evidence I have.

When that happens I want everybody who has dealt with me, and who I have reached out to for help at LMH/Torus, prosecuted for murder and torture of a disabled person, because this isn’t an accident on your part, it is wilful abuse of a disabled person for profit.

Regardless of it I die or not, all the people who have dealt with me, or who I have reached out to for help at LMH/Torus should be prosecuted for wilful abuse and torture of a disabled person.

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