
Torus Complaint

section 1


By February 2019, so less than 3 months after I had moved into the flat, the problems at the flat had exacerbated my disabilities to the point that me, my mum, my GP and my psychiatrist were all aware that I needed to move out of this property and as soon as possible.

The problems were
-flees in the carpet
-mice and rat infestation within the block which was leading to them coming into my flat
-fly tipping in the communal yard, some of which was directly outside of my flat, and meant that sometimes you couldn’t exit the block through the back door into the communal yard as the rubbish was blocking the back door, so you literally couldn’t get into the communal yard where the bins where kept to put your own rubbish into the bins, because other people weren’t using, and were miss using the bins, because rubbish was blocking the back door to the block.
-This also meant that there was broken glass, vomit, pee and poo which was definitely human, and potentially because of the drug use dirty needles, etc
-its also one of the many reasons that I can’t always open the windows in my flat, because of the smell, especially on hot days when the rubbish has already been there for a long time
-people banging on, looking inside, and shouting inside my windows, which is another reason that I can’t always open my windows, and the reason that I can’t ever open my blinds.
-people constantly ringing my intercom
-fights in the car park and communal yard
-noise from upstairs
-noise from next door
-mould infestation
-windows that aren’t properly sealed, so it gets freezing cold in the flat, and the wind comes in.

Considering that I didn’t bid on this flat, you picked it for me knowing that I couldn’t refuse it, and it was not disability suitable for me. Moving me shouldn’t have been an issue in the sense that you couldn’t do it, or even start the process. Due to the property being a risk to me because I am disabled, and it is not disability suitable for me, and you forced me into taking this property, you should have had a responsibility, and duty of care, to rehouse me as soon as possible to something disability suitable.

Put simply, you should have had to immediately rectify what was either your mistake, or your attempt to abuse a disabled person, so that it wasn’t fatal or even just torture for me.

Instead, Phil and his manager Geraldine Rice, called me into the office for a meeting, knowing they were immediately going to tell me they wouldn’t rehouse me.

This was a very dangerous decision, it was something that not only didn’t need to be done in the sense that they didn’t have to call me into the office to tell me this, and almost lead to me trying to commit suicide.

On the day of the meeting, I was already feeling very unwell, in fact, that’s all I can tell you about that day before the meeting, as I was already so unwell, I don’t remember the morning of the meeting other than a very small part of my journey there. I remember actually talking about how I didn’t think that the meeting was a sensible idea on LMHs part because I was at that time suicidal, because of the issues in my flat, and it was still only about six months since my most recent suicide attempt for which I had been sectioned, and I knew and had made Phil aware that the smallest of stressful things could be life threatening to me at this point, and telling somebody they are going to have to live in a flat that is literally emotional, mental and physical torture to them, because some of my symptoms are physical, is stressful.

My suicidal thoughts were not being helped by the fact that, because of the mouse and rat infestation, I was being forced to keep rat poison in my flat.

[Paragraph redacted as it details a way in which you can commit suicide using rat poison.]

[Paragraph redacted as it details a way in which you can commit suicide with rat poison and psychiatric medications that I am prescribed.]

I don’t think I have met a single person who I have talked suicide with (which happens when you are around other suicidal people, for example in hospital, where lots of you are there together for the reason you have all just failed at suicide, and you can share stories about why you failed and how not to fail next time (you know hospital the place you want to send me to because I am disabled and the flat you have forced me to live in knowing that it isn’t disability suitable for my disability, where I can be around other suicidal people and I can get tips for when I am discharged back to this flat because hospital wont cure my disability and/or fix the problems in this flat, like your ablest staff think it will because they are ignorant and/or stupid) who haven’t discussed taking rat poison as an option, because its easily accessible, more so when its already in your flat, and is literally poison, meaning it is literally designed to kill things.

I’ll say it again. Rat poison is one of the most common ways to commit suicide, and the reason why is in the name, rat POISON.

It’s not strange, It’s not weird, it’s not unusual.

What it is, is, logical, affordable (especially when you already have it in your flat) and easily accessible (again, especially when you already have it in your flat).

Having that poison in my flat was not only a huge temptation to me, but a suicide trigger in and of itself.

The mice and rats were also a suicide trigger for me, and particularly so in trigging the thoughts that didn’t feel like mine, as its very stressful to have a mice and/or rat infestation, particularly when you’re a clean person and have never had them before. The thoughts that didn’t feel like mine would tell me that me eating the rat poison was the best and quickest solution to not only the rat infestation, but all my problems in this flat.

Personally, I don’t remember the meeting at all. However, my mum was there, and she does. What she told me happened is similar to the accounts in Phil’s file note about the day, if you are aware that Phil is a liar, the type of lies he tells, and the way he behaves, so I trust her recollection when she tells me what happened.

Firstly, I want to address the parts of the meeting that Phil writes about.

Secondly the parts he doesn’t, which my mum has told me about.

Thirdly , what happened as a result of that meeting.

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