Letters The housing

Complaint to Torus

Section one

Disability Discrimination by my housing officer

Part 1

For several years, you denied me the right to appoint my mother as a point of contact on the basis that I am the tenant, even though I am severely disabled, and one of the reasons I am classed as such is because I struggle to communicate with other people.

In particular, Phil Campbell insisted that he would not deal with a third party on my behalf under any circumstances, while also stating that if I struggled to communicate with him when needing to speak to him, he would not deal with me, which is discrimination alone.

After filling out a request in your office, in the presence of a staff member, stating that I authorise my mother to deal with you, which was also dictated by the staff member and stamped, you then claimed no such authorisation existed, and yet, it has been sent to me as part of my subject access request.

Not only has this caused me difficulties and distress with having no choice but to try to communicate with you, it has restricted my access to get help with things when I desperately needed it.

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