
The attachment in the email that I sent to Torus today

To whom it may concern,

Hopefully you are either Steve Coffey’s managers/bosses, or the owner/s of Torus, as those are the people I have requested my on going correspondence, of which this is the first part, to go to.

I am writing to inform you of actions I plan to take, and why.

My intentions are-

  • To write a huge complaint about what I have gone through over the last five years of being a tenant, leaving absolutely nothing out.
  • Aswell as to document what has happened to me through both anecdotal, and journal, style entries.
  • To send you these part by part as I write them, and upload copies to my blog at the same time. This should give you sufficient time to read and respond to each part.
  • Whether you respond or not, once I am finished, I will be sending he entire thing to the housing ombudsman.

My reasons for doing this, and doing it in the way I have stated is my intention is –

  • For five year me, and my mum – on my behalf, have made complaint after complaint to Torus. At best we have been ignored. At worst staff members have made derogatory and stigmatising remarks about my disability and how it affects me, and called my mum abusive for being reasonably and understandably upset
  • Due to you lack of response beyond generic copy past letters , and letters full of lies, we have not been able to get the ombudsman to help us.
  • I wish for this to be the last time either me, or my mum, have to directly deal with Torus, and hope to raise enough awareness that either – one of the organisations we have been begging for help will finally intervene on our behalf, or my situation will reach somebody in a position of power who will.
  • If the above point does not happen, and I die because of Torus, I ask that all of this be used as evidence in an inquest, and ask the judge to seek murder convictions for all those who have contributed to both my torture and death.
  • In my opinion, things have now gone far beyond the point of Torus making the flat I rent suitable/safe/just liveable. I believe you have no intention of making it so, but even if you claimed to have done so, I could not trust you as you have claimed to have done so in the past, which considering I am writing to you now, was clearly untrue. I am now technically homeless, while you claim rent for me off the government, and have spent as much of my disability benefits as I could save furnishing that flat twice, only for it to be destroyed, and I can not afford to by a third lot. The voices of the people next doo immediately trigger my bpd, pnes and asthma as soon as I hear them. All of this means the flat is not safe for me to return to.
  • Honestly it is my belief that I can not recover from what you have done to me, either mentally, emotionally, physically, or financially, and that I will die as a result of the torture and abuse you have put me through whether in the close or distant future.
  • It is my belief that the only way out of this situation alive now for me, and without Torus actually being shut down  (as I am not the only person who is suffering abuse by Torus, others have come forward, and I am optimistic my public death would be the thing that finally gets Torus shut down, so you can no longer harm other vulnerable people) is if you paid me compensation so I could just walk away from that flat and replace everything I’ve lost, as well as money to facilitate a prolonged move if I have any chance at salvaging those of my possessions that can be salvaged, as due to the condition of my health and the condition of my stuff would take months. Compensation for the five years of torture and disability discrimination as well as the impact on my health over the last five years, and the effect the last five years is now going to continue to have on my health and my future, etc.

What I expect I will get from you is more derogatory and stigmatising remarks about my disability and how it affects me.

Whether I am right or wrong about this is down to you.

As is whether this situation continues on, or ends here and now.

I am just a mentally disabled woman fighting for my life.

You are multimillion pound company.

This puts you, not me, in the position of power to end this in away other than my death.

You might believe that position of power means you have no obligation to help me, or end this, as I do not have the health or finances to fight you legally.

Luckily for me I don’t expect it will be me fighting you legally. I expect it will be whoever is leading the inquest into the fact that I have died as a direct result of Torus abusing me because I am disabled.

Either way, I sincerely request that you read and respond to my correspondence over the next few months.

Rachel Vanncci

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