
My only tenancy review meeting

part 2

My disability related health had begun to improve so much between me being discharged from hospital and moving into that flat, that I had been referred to an outpatient psychiatric facility, that specialised in therapies designed to treat bpd.

In fact, I had improved so much, that we expected I would be doing better, than I had been before my melt down at Santander, by the end of my first year living in my new property.

Because my illness causes me difficulties communicating, and how bad interaction can cause me to because unwell to a suicidal level, paired with Phil’s discrimination against me due to my disability and his unprofessional attitude and behaviour, we requested that the first review meeting be pushed back until I was coping better, for my safety.

Phil aggressively refused, claiming this couldn’t be done, as LMH policy strictly stated that each meeting must be done by a certain point in my tenancy.

Yet, when Phil couldn’t make the deadline for the first meeting it was pushed back with no problem.

And, when he just didn’t want to do the second meeting, it was called off all together.

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