
My Flat Viewing

Part 4
Disability Discrimination
Part 1
Complete Disinterest

After my very quick look around, I joined my mum and Phil in the kitchen. The first thing I did, is the first thing I always do when I meet new people in a formal setting or meeting, since my diagnosis in 2016 2017, which is to inform the person I am meeting that I have borderline personality disorder, which is a very serious mental illness, that currently affects me to a level where I am disabled, and that it makes everything extremely difficult for me, but especially communication and just being around people.

Several times during me explaining this, he rolled his eyes. I couldn’t work out whether I was boring him, or whether he thought I was being dramatic.

Once I finished, he stared at me blankly, which made the situation much worse for me, as other people’s behaviour has a massive impact on how my bpd affects me in the moment.

For the entire viewing, Phil acted as though I hadn’t told him that I was mentally disabled, which is what I am, I am disabled, and my disability is mental illness, therefore I am mentally disabled.

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