
Journal Entry

Tuesday 17th November 2023

As you probably already know, if you follow me on Twitter/X, I have decide to write, and try to publish, an autobiography about my experience as a disabled housing association tenant, which will be created from what I write and publish here, on my blog.

Other than that, the plan hasn’t changed.

After two weeks of writing, I only have around eight thousand words, which is four days’ worth of blog posts, however I am hoping now I am getting back into writing almost every day, I will start to increase the pace at which I write.

Right now, I am concentrating on my health, to be exact, fixing my sleeping patter, as my psychiatrist has said that it is the most important thing to do, which is what I have been saying all along, so I haven’t been back to the flat since Thursday.

In regards to the condition of the flat-

  1. Somebody came out and “treated the mould,” but they did it reluctantly, and by treated, I mean they cleaned half of it, then painted over that some half.

There is still mould in that bedroom. I need to photograph it next time I go back to the flat.

I am going to start a working list of things I need to do.

  • Somebody else came out to “fix my front door,” and by fix, I mean just photograph it.

I am going to try to see if I can find the companies Torus use for repairs and maintenance,etc, and see if I am allowed a subject access request from them about what work they have come out to do during my tenancy.

I know HMS is one of them.

And I don’t think I will be allowed a subject access request, as I don’t own the property, but it’s worth trying.

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