
LMH complaint 8.d

Phil once again lies to make me sound either strange, like a drama queen, or both, while at the same time admitting that he knew I was life threateningly mentally ill when he wrote his email the day after the viewing in which he calls me “Strange” and accuses me of having “issues” in this file note when he writes-

“Miss Vannucci mother, stay for 10 minutes and informed us that her daughter had been sectioned in August and September 2018 after being found walking towards on coming traffic on a main road in Liverpool and tried to kill herself.

(Also, she didn’t stay, she went back like I said earlier, to ask Phil to double check his information about ESA and UC was correct, which he refused to do even though he was wrong, and it could have been the difference between me reattempting suicide and not reattempting suicide.

Phil says this as though he knew nothing about any of this prior to my mum telling him, but he did because I told him earlier on.

Let me be clear, I was not “found” “walking towards oncoming traffic” which is actually an important discrepancy as saying that I was creates an offensive stereotype of a mentally ill person and/or suggests I was pretending to be suicidal. Both things are disability discrimination.

It is so obvious that Phil made this up, as it’s not even possible to walk towards oncoming traffic on a
main road for two reasons-

  1. If the main road is busy, then you would be immediately hit by a car the second you stepped out onto the road. That is the entire reason you would use a main road to commit suicide.
  2. If its not busy, the cars will see you and just change lanes, therefore you’re not walking towards on coming traffic.

I also wasn’t found anywhere. I was on the phone when I tried to commit suicide. People knew where I was, and what I was doing.

What I told Phil, and what my mum told Phil, is that I stepped out in front of at least two cars going fast.

The first time, I timed it wrong, which gave the person driving just enough time to swerve. At this point I started screaming at that car, and the other cars who had seen what was going on and moved into the other lane.

(So if I was “found” any where it would have been standing on a main road screaming.)

At this point, I got back on the pavement to wait for another opportunity to step out in front of a car whose driver wasn’t aware that I was going to do it.

The next memory that I have is of being on the opposite pavement as I stepped out in front of another car. Right as I did a man grabbed me, and dragged me back onto the pavement.

All Phil had to say here, was that we informed that I had been sectioned because I attempted suicide.

At most, that I did it by trying to get hit by a car.

That would be both accurate and true.

But because he needs to gossip and wants to try to make me seem strange, he tells this weird impossible story that suggest I’m either an offensive stereotype of a mentally ill person, or I was looking for attention.

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