
My tenancy review meeting

Part 10

The window

That living room window has still, to this day, not been fixed.

I reported it several hundred times to Torus, before I posted a video of it on twitter in 2020 or 2021.

The next week surveyors called to make an appointment to come look at it, but by this point I was already sleeping in the day due to a combination of being kept awake at night by my neighbours, and being an antipsychotic user.

We asked torus to deal with the anti-social noise next door and upstairs, so I could correct my sleeping pattern, in order to allow members of staff to come in for repairs, such as the window to be dealt with, but they didn’t, so it hasn’t been done.

Let’s be honest though, they would really have fixed it anyway.

They made a big fuss about it needing to be fixed, just like they did with the mould this month, because it almost killed me, even though they haven’t been bothered about it for the other five years I’ve been reporting it. Then when they came out they didn’t even do half a job while complaining they didn’t have enough time to do that.

There is still mould in that bedroom.

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