
Poor ventilation

The vent in the bedroom

It was while we were cleaning the bedroom, I was cleaning the blood off the walls, and my mum was cleaning what we though then was dirt, but now know is mould, off the window, that she noticed the vent was blocked up with soaking wet tissue paper.

As she removed it, she speculated that the reason it was blocked was because the bedroom got cold during the winter.

After living in the flat, I believe whoever blocked it up, did so to reduce some of the anti-social noise from upstairs and next door.

Although it probably didn’t make much difference, it would have slightly reduced the noise, as I’ve personally noticed, the noise is amplified in the bedroom by the vent, sort of like surround sound.

And the bedroom really isn’t cold, it’s the Livingroom that’s the problem with the cold.

I have never considered blocking that vent myself.

Yet, one surveyor we had out to look at the mould told me, as though I already had “Don’t you block that vent up, because that will cause mould.”

Him saying this alone, was as strange as I found the vent blocked up in the first place.

But the fact that it was, paired with him saying this, makes me wonder why he said it.

Has he been there to that flat before I was a tenant and witnessed it?

Either way, the vent was blocked by a previous tenant, and that mould was there when I moved in, so if that vent being blocked cause the mould, then it’s the previous tenant that is to blame for the mould.

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