Autobiographical Letters The housing

Dissociation Type 1.B Memories that I don’t even know are missing until I find evidence the that event I’m missing took placeExample of a mundane event

As you may know, if you follow me on social media, I took up cross stitching the July of 2022.

A few weeks ago, I was working on a larger piece, which I was only a few hours away from completing, and I had picked out the next piece I wanted to do.

After a really stressful couple of days, I decided to do some cross stitching to try to calm myself down.

When I went to pick up my almost finished piece, it wasn’t there. In its place was the piece I planned to start next, and it had a good few hours of work put into it.

Now, even more stressed than I had previously been, I looked inside the box where I keep my finished pieces, and there it was, folded neatly on top of the pile.

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