Autobiographical Letters The housing

My Experience With Direct Matches in 2018

Direct matches, in regards to housing associations, are when a housing association directly offers you a property that matches your needs, without you bidding on it.

At least, that’s how it’s supposed to work, apparently.

However, as you have probably guessed, that’s not the case.

In my experience, what they actually do, is identify the most vulnerable people and offer them hard to let properties.

I was extremely vulnerable when I was offered the flat that I am now going to die because-

• I’m disabled mentally.

• Had just tried to kill myself.

• Had just lost my job due to my mental disability.

• Was losing the house I owned due to both domestic abuse and losing my job.

Direct matches are the other part of how I ended up in this dangerous and disability unsuitable property.

Torus offered me this a direct match, and as you know form my property pool post about 2018, I had no right to refuse it, and if I had, I would have been removed from property pool, and been left to become homeless indefinitely.

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