Announcements Letters The housing

Introduction To My Series on Torus Housing

Welcome back to the psychotic girls guide to surviving the human apocalypse, though, for now, not exactly as you know, may remember, or might like, it.

The content I will be writing certainly isn’t what I want to be writing, but it is now or never, as at best it might save my life, at worst I hope it will secure murder convictions for all those who are responsible for ending my life.

I understand this probably sound dramatic, but I assure you I am not being dramatic at all. If I don’t get the help I desperately need soon, these words will likely be coming to you from a body that can no longer speak and write, or beg and fight for help, because instead of residing in a mould and anti-social behaviour infested flat, it will be residing underground, cold and rotting. 

If you have read my blog in the past, or follow me on social media- mainly twitter, you may recall I took a break from writing my blog, around the June or July of 2022, to gather evidence for two on going issues I was dealing with. One of these issues I was gathering evidence of was the anti-socialnoise coming from both the flats directly above me, and next door to me, but in the block of flats that joins onto the side of my block. This noise was, and still is, exacerbating and triggering my disabilities – which are borderline personality disorder, non epileptic attack disorder, and (now) asthma.

My reasons, and plans, for gathering all this evidence was-

1. To give to the police (who said they wanted it, then never followed up)

2. To give to the housing association (in a way they could not deny I had evidence, and which would be availablefor an inquest into my death.)

3. To write a huge complaint to my housing association, which I would send privately by email as well as post a copy of on my blog, so that I left-
a. proof I sent it in, as it would be in my emails sent box

b. publicly available proof of what was in the complaint- again for an inquest.

c. but also to eventually send to the housing ombudsman.

You see for five years both me and my mum – on my behalf, have made complaints to my landlords/housing association, who are Liverpool Mutual homes/Torus, about both the mould and antisocial behaviour that have at best been ignored by them, and at worst has resulted in them saying I am the problem because I am disabled, while making derogatory and stigmatising remarks about my disability and how it affects me, and accusing my mum of being abusive, when she is  reasonably and understandably upset, and just sounds upset, all because we are asking for my flat to be made disabilitysafe/suitable, and when you understand the issue are noiseanti-social behaviour, mould and rats, it becomes even more clear that Torus are abusive and should not be allowed to be anybody’s landlords, as nobody, not even an non disabled person, could live in my flat and not become physically and mentally unwell, but I am not a physically or mentally well person to begin with.

Yet, when we then go to the housing ombudsman, we are told that have not given Torus sufficient opportunity to resolve my issues, and if my issues are in fact real Torus will deal with them as they are legally obligated to do so.

In the November and December of 2022, I resumed writing my blog, which included currently unpublished parts of my complaint, however I was too sick to keep it up.

Now almost a year on, I am forcing myself to start writing my complaint again, as well as hopefully some anecdotes of what has been happening to me over the last five years. 

These posts will have no schedule, in regards to when I write or publish them.

My intention is to write as much as I can when I can, while also gathering evidence, then publish both my writing and evidence once the part I have been working on is complete.

I would love to post it daily, but with everything that is going on and how sick I am, that’s probably impossible. It would be good if I could post weekly, but again that might not be doable every week. So, if I can only post some parts monthly, that is what I will do. 

If you are reading this, then my first piece is either up now for you to read, or will be up later today, depending on whether the mobile phone data gods are angry with me on the day, because as you probably already know, or have been able to guess, I don’t have home internet, and if I did have it, it would be money going to waste, because I have been trying to move out of that flat, and have gone through several periods where I have been unable to stay there over the last five years, that means I can’t get home internet, so have to use mobile data and Vodaphone aren’t happy that I only use my data.

Please, if helping me, is something you have the power to do, do it.

You won’t find anybody who will be more grateful for your help than me.

If not, I ask for your support in anyway you can give it. Please interact with these posts, and the links you followed to get here- comment, like, share, so that I can raise more awareness of my situation, and hopefully reach people who do have the power to help me.

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