
Dictionary Corner


The word plain is an adjective, an adverb, and a noun

As an adjective

As an adjective the word plain means,

-Not decorated

-Not elaborate


-Simple in character


-Basic in character

-Without a pattern

-In only one colour

-Bearing no indication to its contents

-Bearing no indication as to its affiliation

-Having no pretensions

-Not remarkable

-Not special

-Easy to perceive

-Easy to understand


-Not using concealment

-Not using deception



(Of paper)

-Without lines

(Of a person)

-Without special title

-Without status

-Not beautiful

-Not attractive

(Of written or spoken usage)

-Clearly expressed

-Without the use of technical terms

-Without the use of abstruse terms

(Of knitting)

-A type of stitch produced by putting the needle through the stitch from left to right.

As an adverb

As an adverb, the word plain means,



And can be used for,


As a noun

As a noun the word plain means,

-A large flat area of land with few trees.

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