
Prologue To Today’s Stories

Today I am going to tell you three stories about my experiences as a victim of Scouse xenophobia (I have more).

The first two, High Alert, and A Hole In Your Story, are my experiences as a customer, being a person from Liverpool, in a city that was not Liverpool.

The third, Ms Robot, is a story about a time that I was the victim of a robbery in Liverpool. The reason I’m telling this third story is because it happened a couple of years after A Hole In Your Story took place, and it gave me more insight into what those women were thinking, and to me, it further proves the fact that they were xenophobic.

Their first thought on me returning an item with a small hole in it, was that I had somehow managed to fit a giant metal security tag through a small hole, which was one of those large round tags that are the same size on both sides (which I might be wrong, but I believe are the same size on both sides because they are filled with ink).

However, when I produce the receipt (which was straight away) they didn’t go from that thought too, heres evidence that she bought it, they went instead to, who did she steal this off.

It is also a great example of a time when I, as a victim of robbery, was sort of blamed, or disbelief, because as a disabled person, I didn’t “behave normally.”

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